ILMTECH starts the journey from 2013 through developing free extensions for our customers. We noticed that many users required our extensions features so we start selling with third-party seller and we successfully get the good name in that. So as per the user needs we are developing the Modules and Plugins for Joomla, Prestahsop, Opencart, Magento, Wordpress. Due to privacy we are not selling some of the customised modules.


Our Coding Standard

We develop each extension with our hand without copying from anyone so that our code adapts each framework's coding standard. We hardly trying to adapt our code to each version of the frameworks so we always up-to-date.

Our Extensions

We try to give simple, unique and best functionality for our customer so we learn our customers requirments from every edge and we reproduce their dream extensions.

Our Price

We know the value of our customer hardly earning money other than the third party tie-up we selling our extensions as much as low than the others.

Our Team

We are the small team but each member has unique experience in different department so our works will be the best.